APT-Jelly has a set of library dependencies that you will need to include on your classpath when invoking APT. The list of dependencies depends
on the templating engine used:
- apt-jelly-core.jar
- apt-jelly-freemarker.jar
- freemarker.jar (Freemarker, recommended version: 2.3.6)
tools.jar (This jar is included with the 1.5 JDK in $JAVA_HOME/lib, where $JAVA_HOME is the path to your Java home directory. This jar
includes APT and the Mirror API.)
- apt-jelly-core.jar
- apt-jelly-jelly.jar
tools.jar (This jar is included with the 1.5 JDK in $JAVA_HOME/lib, where $JAVA_HOME is the path to your Java home directory. This jar
includes APT and the Mirror API.)
- commons-jelly.jar (Commons Jelly, recommended version: 1.0)
- commons-beanutils.jar (Commons BeanUtils, recommended version: 1.6)
- commons-collections.jar (Commons Collections, recommended version: 2.1)
- commons-jexl.jar (Commons Jexl, recommended version: 1.0)
- commons-logging.jar (Commons Logging, recommended version: 1.0.3)
- dom4j.jar (dom4j, recommended version: 1.5.2)